It is generally accepted that most of the soils in North Texas consist of expansive clays. This means that when the clays are relatively dry (in the summer months) they shrink, and when they experience an increase in moisture content (typically in the winter/spring months) they expand. Many times, this expansion and shrinkage of the soil is significant and will cause a foundation to move up and down with the soils. This movement can damage your new home’s foundation. The State does require the inspector to give you his/her opinion of the foundation but it is just that, their opinion.
Why just get an opinion when you can get factual data?
Don’t mess around with a visual inspection of your home’s foundation; get your foundation measured by Elite Inspection Group. We utilize the latest technology, the Zip Level Pro-2000. This is the same equipment used by Professional Engineers to determine the true levelness of your foundation. We want you to move in with “peace of mind” knowing for a fact that your foundation is in great condition.